Monday, 24 August 2015

5 Health Benefits of Nutritional Maca Root Powder for Women

Commonly available in powder form maca is a root and belongs to radish family, which is grown in mountains of Peru. The maca root is full of minerals, fatty acids and vitamins those are essential for providing optimal wellness. Also known as Peruvian ginseng maca root is a superfood that works as a natural remedy for diverse range of conditions. Studies have showed regular maca consumption by women helps in boosting female quality of life.
How maca root powder will prove effective for boosting women health?

1. Hormone Balance:

Research shows maca root acts as a hormone balancer, which has high nutrient density and phytochemical content. Women taking maca root powder regularly can experience reduction in many of the most common menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, sleep disruptions and depression.

2. Promotes Sexual Function:

There are multitude of factors related to sexual dysfunction such as woman’s age, lifestyle and medicinal or nutritional status. Studies have proved effectiveness of maca root powder as a supplement for treating sexual dysfunction in women compared to taking conventional medicines. Maca root powder is potent in correcting the sexual dysfunction issue in women. 

3. Balances Mood:

Rich in natural fatty acids, maca root powder balances mood and supports overall brain health. Maca root powder offers a protective effect for brain health, which shows promising results. Fatty acids of maca root powder helps in stabilizing analytical skills, cognitive function and rational thinking, which helps in enhancing a woman’s day to day life.

maca root
4. Enhances Fertility:

Ever changing lifestyle and medication have these days resulted in an increasing infertility issue among most women. In this case maca root powder is considered as a good fertility enhancer for women, which is backed by studies also. Maca root powder has the ability to increase serum lutenizing hormone in the pituitary gland that is associated with boosting women fertility.

5. Strengthens Bone Density:

Maca is potent with all essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to maintain a good bone density in women, which is a most common women health issue. By consuming maca root powder, women having a family history of osteoporosis can successfully protect their bone health.

As a woman you can lead a quality life by incorporating maca root powder into your daily routine maca powder that will prove to be an excellent way of bouncing back into a healthy and stress free life.

Where to buy organic and pure maca root powder?

Optimally Organic offers raw organic royal maca powder for sale that has abundance of omega fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, iron and selenium. Our maca root powder will also prove to be a wonderful choice for pregnant or lactating women.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Bio-Active Non-Fermented Noni Juice Powder With Excellent Taste

Whether you want to add a complementary supplement to your daily diet or take Noni powder to alleviate the nutrition level, Non-fermented Noni juice powder is considered to be an amazing wholefood supplement capable of providing a wide array of essential nutrients to the human body. In fact, the non-fermented Noni juice powder is made from the organically grown Noni fruit.

What Exactly Is A Noni Fruit

Noni fruit or Morinda Citrifolia (Botanical name) is a small tree or a shrub belonging to the Rubiaceae family. Basically, Noni fruit is a native of Southeast Asia; but is spread extensively throughout the world.

Noni juice
Well, the Noni generally grows in the forests with lots of shades, open rocky or sandy shores. This tree can effectively tolerate the saline soils, drought and secondary soils. Therefore, the Noni fruits are found in wide arrays of habitats ranging from the volcanic terrains to the limestone outcrops.

However, this shrub can grow up to 7metre and comprise of dark green leaves. Even, this small tree flowers all the year round and eventually, the tiny white flowers can grow into the pitted fruits of several inches long. When it ripens, the yellow skin of Noni fruit will become thin and translucent.

Benefits of Non-Fermented Noni Juice Powder

Being an incredible source of fiber, enzymes and probiotics, Noni juice powder can offer so many health benefits. However, the non-fermented Noni juice powder can help in following activities of a human body:

·         Chelating heavy metals and chemical toxins.
·         Cleansing the colon and digestion.
·         Boosting immune system.
·         Minimizing the aging process.
·         Increasing the nutrients and vitamins
Getting 100% Pure, Gluten-Free Non-Fermented Noni Juice

Optimally Organic is an excellent, reliable online resource gaining reputation for providing the finest quality Noni juice powder with plentiful essential nutrients. Our Noni juice powder is extracted from the unfermented Noni fruit organically grown in the Samoan Islands under the lava soil and rainfall conditions. As you know that, lava contains abundant minerals; which consequently increases the uptake the essential nutrients through the roots of the plants. Our non-fermented Noni juice powder is pure, enzyme rich and bioactive health supplement without any fallen fruit, seeds or leaves in it. Moreover, our Noni juice powder has an intoxicating taste and can be dissolved finely in water, tea or smoothie. Discover the incredible benefits and delicious taste with the smoothies by making a purchase of non-fermented Noni juice powder from Optimally Organic.

To know more in details, check out our products today or feel free to contact us today!

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Top 4 Health Benefits of Red Pine Oil in Healing your Ailments

With a sharp, clean and fresh scent, red pine oil is distilled from needles and resin of red pine tree, which is also known as Christmas or evergreen trees. It is believe the father of western medicine used pine in treating pulmonary conditions and established its great healing effects on the respiratory system. Red pine oil contains high ester, which contributes to the analgesic properties as well as has therapeutic values such as anti-inflammatory, restorative, stimulant, antiviral, antibacterial and disinfectant. It is widely believed that red pine tree in originated in Austria and Russia and then spread across different parts of the world.
Have a look at some of the amazing benefits of red pine oil:

1. Enhances Metabolism:
Red pine oil increases the metabolism and helps in boosting your energy levels. Being helpful in purifying the body, red pine oil has the ability to treat intestinal problems as well as removes excess water, uric acid and salt from your body through urination. In case of food poisoning red pine oil is mainly used as it stimulates the body process and eliminates toxins at a faster rate. 

2. Eliminates Stress Disorder:

It is widely observed; red pine oil creates an energized feeling and considered to be effective in removing mental stress. Mostly used as medicinal purpose, red pine oil is good for eradicating adrenal fatigue and refreshing your spirits, for which it is termed as excellent mood elevator. Regularly getting massaged by red pine oil gives you mental clarity and removes anxiety as well as proves quite useful for people suffering from weak concentration and memory loss. 

3. Effective for Infections and Injuries:
Having antibacterial components, red pine oil is considered to be a natural remedy for various infections and injuries. Red pine oil’s antiseptic properties and anti-fungal characteristics make it possible in treating boils, cuts, and sports injuries to athletes’ foot as well as prove effective in healing anti-fungal infections.

4. Skin Care and Cosmetics:

Most dermatologist worldwide have found red pine oil to be quite useful in treating various skin problems, for which they often prescribe it for treating psoriasis, itching, pimples, eczema, skin diseases, sores and scabies.

Rich with antioxidant properties, red pine oil soap is mainly used by most of the people for getting positive skin health impact by suitably avoiding premature aging, wrinkles and sagging skin. Red pine oil soap as a bath soap offers a mesmerizing essence and give a sweet aroma to make you feel rejuvenated and fresh.

You can avail a good skin care by using redpine oil soap of Optimally Organic, which contains natural plant based glycerin and olive oil that offers excellent anti-bacterial properties to reduce breakouts and other skin issues. We offer red pine needle oil bar soap for sale in a 5 ounce size, which you can use on face and the body that will draw out impurities under the skin within a few days leaving behind a moisturized and beautiful skin.